Cat15 - Sales Restrictions
Category 15 is used to restrict the sale of a fare by various conditions. These conditions include:
- reservations/ticketing dates
- countries/currencies of sale
- method of ticketing
- who may sell the fare
- locales where the fare may or may not be sold.
Note: Not all Category 15 functionality is currently validated by Travelport 360 Fares, as noted below.
Public Tariffs
When there is no Category 15 information, the fare is available for sale, ticketing, and display at all times,
anywhere, and by anyone, within the confines of the other category provisions.
Private Tariffs
When there is no Category 15 information, the fare is not available for sale, ticketing, and display at any time,
anywhere, or by anyone.
Differences in Category 15 processing between Public and Airline Private Fares are shown below. Please
note that if a private fare rule references Category 15 in a public general rule, the Category 15 application for
both is based on the logic for private processing.
Category 15 data as an IF from CAT35
Should both Category 15 and Category 35 be present in the fare rule and Display Category Type is L, T, or C, 360° Fares™ will process the security data in Category 35 and the non-security data in Category 15.
Page E.03.35.025
4.1 Application of Data for Category 35 – Negotiated Fare Restrictions:
4.1.1 Security Table Number 983 – Bytes 14-21
The Security Table Number 983 data is carrier-instructed information located at the Category 35 – Negotiated Fare Restrictions level. When a Record 3 Category 35 is present, Security Table Number 983 data is required. The Security Table Number 983 identifies by whom and where the negotiated fare can or cannot be viewed, updated, redistributed, sold (booked), and/or ticketed (including reissued) after it has been distributed to the subscribers. All data within the Security Table Number 983 must be positively validated before processing the remainder of Category 35. When applicable security data is present in both Category 35 and Category 15 (Fare Rule, General Rule, and/or Footnote level/s), Category 35 is used for all security information, and only the non-security portion of Category 15 is validated (this applies when Category 15 is used as a Main Category). However, when Category 15 is used in the IF portion of a set (used as a Qualifying Category) in any main category, all fields are validated in Category 15, including security data (e.g. THEN Cat 5 IF Cat 15; in this case, all fields in Category 15 are validated).
NOTE: If a subscriber does not process Category 35 data, they will apply security information from Category 15 instead.
The following fields in Category 15 are considered the security portion of the category and will not be validated when both Category 35 and Category 15 (Fare Rule, General Rule, and/or Footnote) are present as a Main categories:
Category 15 Security in Fare Rule and General Rule for Private Fares
Category 15 Security for Fare-by-Rule Private Fares
If security is being filed in Category 15 (not Category 35), and the Fare By Rule (FBR) is coded to validate the Category 15 in both the base fare rule and resulting FBR rule, security must be found and passed in the resulting fare rule. There may be additional Category 15 security in the base fare rule and/or in the general rule which would have to also pass, however, the FBR rule will be checked first and must pass Category 15. If the process does not find and pass Category 15 security in the FBR rule, the base fare rule and/or general rule will not be checked.
Category 15 Security for Published Private Fares
If security is being filed in Category 15 (not Category 35), the fare rule must contain and pass the security. If the general rule or footnote also contains Category 15 security, it will be validated and must pass, however, the general rule or footnote may not contain the only security for the fare. In summary, Category 15 security filed in a general rule and/or footnote may never be the only security on a private fare.
Category 15 Record 3 Data Fields
Reservations: The date(s) specified in these fields indicate the first and last date reservations are permitted for the fare component.
Ticketing: The date(s) specified in these fields indicate the first and last date ticketing is permitted.
‘X’ = Only the publishing carrier may sell the fare
‘X’ in conjunction with a carrier code in the “Other Carrier” field (see below) = Only the publishing carrier and the other specified carrier may sell the fare.
‘C’ in conjunction with a CRS/GDS code in the “Other Carrier” field = Only users of the specified CRS/GDS may sell the fare.
Other Carrier:
For public tariffs: this field indicates the carrier code of the other carrieror the CRS who may sell the fare.
For private tariffs: this field indicates the carrier code of the other carrier or the CRS who may sell and display the fare.
The data in this field indicates that the ticket may not be validated except with publishing carrier’s (or other carrier’s, if specified in “Other Carrier’) plate or stock.
Validating Carrier:
Value “S’ in this field indicates the validating carrier must be the publishing carrier of the fare or other carrier’s (if specified in “Other Carrier”).
Value “O” in this field indicates the validating carrier must be the carrier specified in “Other Carrier”and that the publishing carrier cannot be the validating carrier.
The data in this field indicates that no segment of the ticket or no segment at this fare may be on any other carrier except the publishing carrier, (or other carrier, if specified).
Form of payment restriction are validated. At the time of pricing, a new warning message will be output ‘FARE HAS FORM OF PAYMENT RESTRICTION’ when applicable.
Country Restriction:
Data in this field indicates that sale for the entire ticket is only permitted in currency of the country of origin (‘O’), currency of the country of destination (‘D’), or both (‘B’).
The data in this field indicates if sale of the ticket being priced is restricted to a specific currency (three-letter currency code).
PTA = Tkt
Automatic Ticketing Machines
Sato (Scheduled Airline Ticket Office) / Cato (Consolidated Airline Ticket Office) – (currently NOT validated in Travelport 360 Fares)
If this field is populated it indicates one of the following ticketing options:
- The ticket MAY be issued by electronic ticketing (Y)
- The ticket MAY NOT be issued by electronic ticketing (N)
- The ticket MUST be issued by electronic ticketing (R)
According to The International Air Transportation Association (IATA), fare construction rules no longer involve the use of the IATA International Sale Indicator or ISI code (SITI/SOTI/SITO/SOTO). There is no longer a requirement to establish ISI or to display/print these indicators in fare quote or travel documents. Carriers who choose to use Category SITI/SOTI/SITO/SOTO fields may continue to do so. Travelport 360 Fares will continue to validate that data. However, no SITI/SOTI/SITO/SOTO will be returned in the fare quote response or held in a stored fare.
- Currently NOT validated in Travelport 360 Fares
- Currently NOT validated in Travelport 360 Fares
This table further defines reservation, ticketing and/or travel dates that to which the Sales Restrictions apply. The Override Data Table must match the travel dates of the itinerary being priced in order for the sales restrictions to apply.
This table refers to a table containing free form text regarding Category 15. The information within this table is not automated.
If the unavailable tag is set to value ‘X’ in Record 3 of Category 15, the fare would fail.
Number Of Segments: When this field is populated it is referring to the number of occurrences for Locale segments that are in the Record 3.
Application Of Geo Spec 1 And 2:
For public tariffs: The data in this field indicates the positive or negative application of ticket sale location, with the option of two geographic locales where tickets may/or may not be sold.
For private tariffs: The data in this field indicates the positive or negative application of ticket sale and display location, with the option of two geographic locales where tickets may/or may not be sold and displayed.
A code indicating the type of geographic specification data to be found in the fields that follow. (A list of geographic types can be found in the Category 35 (Negotiated Fares) section of this document.)